Testimonials, Successes, and Stories of Change
We're happy to share testimonials, stories of change, and successes big and small from Collaborative Systems of Care (CSOC) across the State. Below are stories we've received from families, team members, and service providers regarding their experience in a Collaborative System of Care.
If you have a success you'd like to share, please send it to us at i[email protected], or call us at (715) 258-0877.
Youth and Family StoriesPersonal Testimony from a 12-year-old Youth regarding his family's experience with the Coordinated Services Team Initiative, which he shared at a public hearing.
Beanie's Story is an inspirational a story about a women who struggled her whole life with reading, and now works to raise awareness of sight impairment an its impact on learning. A Mothers Story of her experience on a wraparound team and the difference it made for her son and her family. A Grandmother's Story of how wraparound helped her grandson's experience with special education. A Father Shares his Experience with the Integrated Services Team Initiative, commenting on the importance of relationships and meaningful outcomes. A Young Lady Shares her Struggles with Mental Illness, and how wraparound helped her "turn her life around". |
In the News"County Teams Help Keep Families Together" - Rice Lake Chronotype. The CST Initiative Coordinator and a Parent Aide comment on the strengths of the CST initiative.
"Keep Families Together" - Leader-Telegram. Highlights Eau Claire County's CST Initiative, highlighting the successes of a family and their daughter's experience in CST. "Bridges for Youth Provide Coordinated Services" - Adams County Times. Highlights Adams County's CST Initiative. "Walleyes for Kids" - Waupaca County Post. An example of how an organization's donation helped purchase recreational equipment and fund recreational activites for youth and families involved in the Integrated Services Project. "Hope for Tomorrow" - Waupaca County Post and New London Press Star. A mother share's her family's experience with the Integrated Services Project. |
Service Provider